welcome to the wonderful world of dyspraxia

what is dyspraxia?

dyspraxia aka clumsy child syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person's motor skills and speech

symptoms of dyspraxia typically include difficulties with carrying out movements or actions, such as running, a lack of co-ordination, and cognitive difficulties (e.g. with short term memory, concentration, etc).

there are some factors that may increase the risk of a child having dyspraxia:

• Premature birth

• Low birth weight

• Family history of dyspraxia

• Mother used illegal drugs or drank alcohol whilst pregnant

these are just my symptoms cause there is so many different types

• Falling over or bumping into things (more than is usual for a child that age)

• Lack of coordination

• Difficulties with physical activities e.g. running, catching a ball, etc

• Difficulties learning to write

• Unable to stay still e.g. fidgety

• Difficulty concentrating

• Having low self-esteem

• Finding it hard to make friends

• Having a lack of short term memory

• Be patient with us, we might be a bit slower at activities than others
• Please don't make fun of me :((
• Break down things for us we can't handle so much info at once
• If i'm not typing,, My hands probably hurt please be patient
• Don't confuse it with dyslexia, Most of us can read perfectly fine
• Celebrate Dyspraxia awareness with us (6th-12th OCT)
• Asking me "why are you so depressed?" hurts me alot,, most dyspraxic kids suffer with low self esteem and have/had depression, I try to stay positive